Muscle testing, which is a light pressure exerted on a muscle, enables us to identify the source of an issue, various imbalances in the body’s systems, organs and muscles that may be related to stress, emotional trauma, allergies, nutrition, learning challenges, minor injuries and pain or an area of life that may be out of balance.
If the muscle locks this shows the neurological connection between the brain and the muscle is working. If the muscle unlocks, this indicate stress, pain or an imbalance in the body at some level. Further muscle testing indicates the priority corrections required.
Kinesiology can identify and balance the source of self-worth issues, repetitive negative belief systems, behaviours, fears and phobias | Diffuses self-sabotage programs | Improves learning challenges | Facilitates lymphatic drainage | Reduces physical aches and pains | Assists with vascular supply to muscles and organs | Establishes food sensitivities, nutritional excess or deficiencies | Balances the energy of the meridian system and chakras | Assists with achieving various goals.
Registered member of ASKSA
TRE® includes a simple set of movements that activate the body’s natural mechanism to tremor, releasing the pent up “charge”, as a result of injury or a stressful / traumatic experience. This process releases deep muscular tension patterns and tight fascia (connective tissue); muscles become less contracted sending a message of safety to the brain. TRE® facilitates the interruption of old neurological and physiological patterns and allows the body to complete the process and movement which may have been interrupted during the stressful event. The result is fewer stress hormones being released; reducing the overactive state of the sympathetic nervous system and it facilitates the process of coming out of freeze or “shut down” restoring peace, calm, clarity and healthy self-expression.
Benefits can include: Immediate relaxation | Improved sleep | Reduces stress related headaches and migraines | Reduces symptoms of anxiety & PTSD | Resolves anger issues and reactiveness | Increases emotional resiliency | Reduces chronic pain, especially back and neck | Reduces pain and stiffness related to operations and old injuries | Assists with the tendency to ‘space out’ or ‘go blank’ under stress | Assists with avoidance habits i.e. being fearful of certain activities or places due to negative past experiences as well as unhealthy habits of self-soothing and self-medication i.e. emotional eating, using drugs or alcohol | Provides a sense of peace and calm | Increases energy, physical endurance and flexibility | Improves relationships and decreases symptoms of vicarious trauma.
Registered member of &
N.G.E. focuses on the functions and dysfunctions of the Sympathetic, Parasympathetic and Enteric nervous systems of the digestive tract.
The gut, particularly the small intestine, contains the second highest site of neurons to the brain. It is interconnected with the nervous system, immune system and endocrine system which is why it is referred to as the Second Brain.
An imbalance or otherwise known as dysbiosis in the gut can result in a functional disturbance in the gastro-intestinal tract as well as cause the following symptoms:
Arthritis | Acid Reflux | Acne | Alcoholism | Allergies | Anorexia | Asthma | ADD | Anxiety and Panic Attacks | Autoimmune Diseases | Back Problems | Bad Breath | Bedwetting | Behavioural Problems | Bloating after Eating | Bulimia | Candida | Cancer | Chronic Fatigue | Chronic Food Sensitivities | Chronic Inflammation | Chronic Immune Reactions | Chronic Hormonal Imbalances | Colitis | Constipation | Cognitive Dysfunction | Cystitis | Depression | Diabetes | Diarrhoea | Difficulty Losing Weight | Dyspepsia | Drug Addiction | Ear Problems | Eczema | Endometriosis | Epilepsy | Fatigue | Faulty Digestion | Fertility Issues | Fibromyalgia | Fibrositis | Frequent Colds | Flu and Infection | Gallbladder Problems | Gastritis | Gum Disease | Hair loss | Headaches | Hormone Problems | Hives | Hyperactivity | Hypoglycaemia | Inflammatory Bowel Disease | Irritability | IBS | Joint Pain | Lack of Concentration | Lactose Intolerance | Leaky Gut Syndrome | Menstrual Problems | Memory Loss | Mood Swings | Migraines | Multiple Sclerosis | Muscle Pain | Nausea | Nervousness | Obesity | Osteoporosis | Poor Memory | Psoriasis | Rheumatoid Arthritis | Sinusitis | Spastic Colon | Sleeping Disorders | Ulcers | Urticaria | Vaginal Infections | Weakness
A near infrared light therapy session can be booked on its own or incorporated into a Kinesiology or TRE session. This portable, custom-built unit includes 4 x bulbs which mainly targets the front and back of the torso.
Alternatively, if you are interested in purchasing your own unit please click here
Near Infrared Light Therapy includes the following benefits:
Emits wavelengths between 700 and 1200 nanometres, enabling them to penetrate deeper into the body’s tissues offering more profound therapeutic effects. | Stimulates cellular regeneration and mitochondrial activity more effectively than other types of infrared light. This heightened cellular response can lead to improved energy production and overall vitality. | Promotes detoxification by effectively warming the body’s core and inducing sweating. This aids in the removal of heavy metals, toxins, and metabolic waste products more efficiently than other saunas. | Stimulates collagen production, promotes skin elasticity, and can help alleviate skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. | The deep tissue penetration of near-infrared light makes it highly effective for pain relief and muscle recovery. Athletes and those recovering from injuries benefit from reduced inflammation and faster healing. | Offers more flexibility in terms of wavelength selection and intensity control. This allows users to target specific health concerns and tailor their sessions accordingly, a level of precision not achievable with LED or far-infrared saunas. | Heats up quickly, minimizing preheating time and energy consumption compared to far-infrared saunas. | Operates at lower temperatures (typically around 120-150°F), making them more comfortable for extended sessions. | Near-infrared bulbs tend to have a longer lifespan than the infrared panels or emitters used in far-infrared saunas resulting in fewer maintenance costs over time.
Dogs and cats have a highly developed limbic (emotional) and reptilian (instinctive) brain which explains why they can sense things that we don’t notice. Just like humans, their health and well-being can be negatively affected by their environment, trauma, abuse and even by the negative emotions, stress and trauma experienced by the humans they are surrounded by.
By using Kinesiology, we surrogate muscle test your pet to assess their emotional state, as well as the most beneficial correction required to release stress and restore balance in their body. We can balance and maintain the health of your pet from an anatomical, physiological, nutritional, emotional and structural point of view.
Corrections range from assessing optimal nutrition, hydration, supplementation, acupressure massage, Touch for Health techniques, Neuro-Gastro-Enterology techniques, stimulating specific acupressure points, the use of flower essences, tissue salts and emotional stress release techniques.
Benefits: Reduce excessive barking or crying | Facilitate pets getting on with other pets | Alleviating pain | Relaxing pets before a trip to the vet or long-distance travel | Lack of appetite | Separation anxiety | Stress and trauma | Negative emotions.